Poet. Writer. Multi-layered human.
Michelle Meyer is a 50+ poet and the author
The Trouble with Being a Childless Only Child (Cornerstone Press, 2024) and The Book of She (2021), a poetry and visual art collaboration devoted to women. Recent work appears in Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, Under Her Eye: A Blackspot Books Anthology, Remington Review, Spank the Carp, Tiny Spoon, Welter, and Zoetic among others. In addition, Michelle has written, directed, and produced numerous one-act plays and skits for children and adults.
Michelle and her husband Rob grow way too many garden greens, but never enough zinnias at their home in Wisconsin. They are also highly recommended house sitters who run away from the harsh winters to snuggle up with lovable, furry critters all over the world.
See all of The Book of She visual interpretations on Instagram @meeshmeyerwrites and follow Michelle and Rob's house sitting and travel adventures @meeshmeyer.